Python API
Below is a table that details the mapping of GAD SDK functions and classes between C++ and Python.
C++ |
Python |
GetStreamId/SetStreamId |
stream_id |
GetTimeValid/SetTimeValid |
time_valid |
GetTimeExternal/SetTimeExternal |
time_external |
GetTimeGps/SetTimeGps |
time_gps |
GetTimeTAI/SetTimeTAI |
time_tai |
GetTimePpsRelative/SetTimePpsRelative |
time_pps_relative |
GetTimeLatency/SetTimeLatency |
time_latency |
GetTimeUTCUnix/SetTimeUTCUnix |
time_utc_unix |
GetAcqValid/SetAcqValid |
acq_valid |
GetAcqTimestamp/SetAcqTimestamp |
acq_timestamp |
SetPosGeodetic |
pos_geodetic |
SetPosLocal |
pos_local |
SetPosGeodeticVar |
pos_geodetic_var |
SetPosLocalVar |
pos_local_var |
SetVelNed |
vel_ned |
SetVelOdom |
vel_odom |
SetVelLocal |
vel_local |
SetVelNedVar |
vel_ned_var |
SetVelOdomVar |
vel_odom_var |
SetVelLocalVar |
vel_local_var |
SetSpeedFwMs |
speed_fw_ms |
SetSpeedBwMs |
speed_bw_ms |
SetSpeedUnMs |
speed_un_ms |
SetSpeedFwPulsed |
speed_fw_pulsed |
SetSpeedBwPulsed |
peed_bw_pulsed |
SetSpeedUnPulsed |
speed_un_pulsed |
SetSpeedMsVar |
speed_ms_var |
SetSpeedPulsedVar |
speed_pulsed_var |
SetSpeedPulsedVarPeriod |
speed_pulsed_var_period |
SetAtt |
att |
SetAttLocal |
att_local |
SetAttVar |
att_var |
SetHeading |
heading |
SetHeadingLocal |
heading_local |
SetHeadingVar |
heading_var |
SetAidingLeverArmFixed |
aiding_lever_arm_fixed |
SetAidingLeverArmVar |
aiding_lever_arm_var |
SetAidingLeverArmConfig |
set_aiding_lever_arm_config |
SetAidingAlignmentVar |
aiding_alignment_var |
SetAidingAlignmentFixed |
aiding_alignment_fixed |
SetAidingAlignmentConfig |
aiding_alignment_config |
SetEncoderToBin |
set_encoder_to_bin |
SetEncoderToCsv |
set_encoder_to_csv |
SetOutputModeToFile |
set_output_mode_to_file |
SetOutputModeToUdp |
set_output_mode_to_udp |
SendPacket |
send_packet |
EncodePacket |
encode_packet |
GetPacket |
get_packet |
GetPacketSize |
get_packet_size |
OutputPacket |
output_packet |
GetOutputFile |
output_file |
GetOutputFilePath |
output_file_path |