Getting Started


There are four things you need to start using this SDK:

An OxTS INS device

All OxTS INS devices currently for sale support GAD. If you have a legacy OxTS INS contact OxTS to see if it supports GAD. It will also be useful to have a PC with the latest NAVsuite software installed.

Feature Codes

Generic Aiding is an optional extra for your INS device that needs to be enabled using the right Feature Codes. To purchase the feature codes for your INS, please contact

An aiding device

An aiding device is an external sensor which provides additional information on a vehicle’s dynamics and/or pose. This information is then used to aid the navigation solution. The device must be rigidly mounted to the same vehicle as your INS.

Generic Aiding is supported by an ethernet interface on the INS, to allow for aiding in real time. To make use of this, the aiding device must either encode and send GAD over ethernet via UDP itself or must pass its data to an intermediate processor which is capable of encoding GAD.


The GAD Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of development tools that allows for the interface between an external aiding source and an OxTS INS. You can download it from our GitHub. The SDK needs to be installed on the device that will be generating the GAD packets. Installation instructions can be found here.

What does the code look like?

The SDK exists in C, C++ or Python, but this documentation will focus on C++ and Python only. It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of at least one of these languages, preferably C++ or Python. Here we go through an example which will introduce the basic concepts involved in creating GAD packets and sending them to an INS.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;

#include "oxts/gal-cpp/gad.hpp"
#include "oxts/gal-cpp/gad_handler.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        if (argc != 3)
                std::cout << "Usage: \n";
                std::cout << "       ./my-first-gad <INS IP> <number of packets>\n";
                std::cout << "       e.g. ./my-first-gad 100"
                                  << std::endl;
                return 1;

        std::string unit_ip   = argv[1];
        int num_packets       = std::stoi(argv[2]);

        OxTS::Gal_Cpp::GadHandler gh;

        OxTS::Gal_Cpp::GadVelocity gv(130);
        for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; ++i)

                std::cout << "packet " << i << " sent" << std::endl;

        return 0;

We will now break down the parts of the code which make use of the GAD SDK.

#include "oxts/gal-cpp/gad.hpp"
#include "oxts/gal-cpp/gad_handler.hpp"

Includes from the GAD SDK.

  • gad.hpp contains the Gad classes required to construct our GAD packets of all aiding types. In this case we will be making use of GadVelocity.

  • gad_handler.hpp contains the GadHandler class, which provides functionality to encode and send the data packets.

OxTS::Gal_Cpp::GadHandler gh;

These three lines of code construct and configure the GAD handler, indicating that we will be sending binary encoded packets to the IP address of the INS.

OxTS::Gal_Cpp::GadVelocity gv(130);

This constructs a GAD Velocity packet with stream ID 130. Stream IDs must be between 129 and 254.


  • The first line sets the velocity measurement, which we have taken in the North, East, Down frame. Since we are assuming the INS is stationary, the measurement is zero.

  • The second line sets the covariance of our measurement. Typically, this is modelled based on the sensor providing the measurements. Since we do not have a real sensor for this example, we assume our “measurement” is reasonably accurate, with a standard deviation of 10cm in all axes. For more information on covariance, see Covariance.

  • Line three sets the timestamp for this GAD packet. Since we have not synchronised time between the PC that is running this example and the INS, it would not be reliable to use a full timestamp. Instead, we make use of a Void timestamp which flags to the INS that it should be timestamped on arrival. For more information on timestamping your data, see Timestamping .

  • The fourth line sets the lever arm of the aiding device, i.e., the displacement (in IMU frame) between the sensor and INS. Here, we suppose that our “sensor” is one metre ahead of the INS in the vehicle. For more information on lever arms, see Lever arms and Alignments.

  • The fifth line sets the lever arm’s covariance, again this is in the IMU frame. This reflects the accuracy with which the lever arm has been measured.

Since our example is entirely static, none of these measurement values are updated as we loop through sending packets. Of course, if we had a real sensor, these values would be updated to reflect incoming measurements.

After the relevant data for the GAD packet has been stored, the next line of code instructs the GadHandler to send the packet to the INS.

Also, one should note the sleep function at the end of the code block. This is to ensure that the GAD packets are sent at a frequency of 10 Hz. In general, a GAD packet frequency between 10 and 1 Hz is recommended.

Hardware setup and Initialisation

Once you have written the GAD SDK code, and if necessary, compiled it and created an executable. The next step is to configure your hardware.

  • Install and configure the INS into your vehicle, as you would for aiding with GNSS. (Note, you can have the GNSS antenna connected while using GAD).

  • Mount your aiding sensor(s) onto the vehicle, the sensor should be securely attached to the vehicle.

  • Connect your sensor to the PC that will be running the GAD SDK program. Then connect the PC via UDP.

  • Once connected, power on the INS, then configure the INS using NavConfig. If needed, extract the config file (.cfg) and make any necessary changes (see Aiding types & Advanced Options). After this, upload the edited file onto the INS.

  • Power on your sensor(s) and ensure that they are working correctly using the appropriate third-party software.

  • Initialise the INS, see Advanced Options for advanced initialisation options. In certain environments it might be difficult to initialise the INS, if this is the case, please contact OxTS support .

  • Start your GAD SDK script. You should now be ready to take your measurements!